auDHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) operate a number of high-rise accommodation towers across Victoria. This respected authority ensures their residents are safe when in their care and this cladding project was no exception.

About the Project

Domain National was engaged to remove and replace the existing cladding in this inner-CBD suburb, a densely populated hi-rise accommodation precinct. The Domain National team, led by Jamie Keating – Senior Project Manager, began on site in April 2021 and completed the project approximately 8 weeks later on 28 June 2021.

The existing surface area in question spanned approximately 280m² and featured a cladded front portico entry. EPS panels were also applied to the adjacent facade horizontally, dividing the windows on each floor. Whilst a vast majority of the building was constructed in solid brick, there was significant enough cladding to warrant remediation.

In line with Domain National’s best practice methodology and unwaivering duty of care, a risk assessment was conducted, followed by a mitigation plan. This was not your typical ‘live environment.’ We needed to consider additional factors that may put residents and visitors at risk. Occupants can often overlook risks when in the comfort of their home environment so this requires even greater management diligence.

Consideration was given to the multiple entry / exit points of the building on the ground floor. Multi-dwelling towers are busier than you think, and they attract many first-time visitors, residents and families, staff and suppliers who are simply not expecting to encounter a building site.

Clear boundaries and signage were the first actions put in place for managing risk. Providing continuous and personalised supervision by a diligent Domain staff member was second.

Their sole responsibility was to watch for approaching commuters and help them navigate through a constantly changing landscape of building and normal facility activity.

The specified cladding was Fairview Vitradual 3mm solid aluminium. A 100% non-combustible cladding material that complimented the project well. In addition, Domain National addressed several services matters and made alterations where required.

Domain Nationals is proud to have delivered this project to the standard and expectation the client required. We are
grateful for the opportunity and looking forward to further galvanising this relationship as the agency improves and enhances its assets for the benefit of our community.

Domain National is proud to have received this endorsement:

PROJECT VALUE – Sub $500,000

Domain National
Client: Homes Victoria – Department of Health and Human Services
Project Manager: Christopher Smith